Inform, Inspire, Empower

We appreciate where we came from, how we got here, and what we’ve achieved along the way!  


Jackie Simpson’s quilts are a labor of love

Quilting is a timeless art form that weaves together fabric, color, and creativity. Meet advanced quilter Jackie Simpson, whose passion for quilting knows no...

When you’re childless, not by choice, on Mother’s Day

When you’re childless not by choice, Mother’s Day can be a painful reminder of profound loss. For some it’s miscarriage, for others it’s infertility,...

Is an early retirement the kiss of death?

Retirement sounds like a dream for many of us who have been working for what seems like eons but is it all it's cranked...

Don’t stop living after losing a loved one

Shirley Jenkins, 55, lost her 58-year-old husband Charles nearly two years ago, after a battle with uncontrolled diabetes. The Baltimore, Maryland resident admits, she...

We love poetry: Mothers by Dr. Haki R. Madhubuti

Mothers “mothers are not to be confused with females who only birth babies”   mountains have less height and elephants less weight than mothers who plan bright futures for their...